About Flynn Broady

Flynn comes from family with a tradition of service. In World War II, his grandfather served with the famed Red Ball Express, and his father served 20 years in the U.S. Army. Though Flynn received a full engineering scholarship, his desire to serve led him into the U.S. Army. His 26 year career included three overseas tours. In Operation Iraqi Freedom, he led 157 soldiers in combat as an Infantry First Sergeant.
Flynn and his family live near Marietta Square, where they enjoy dining, performing arts, weekend festivals, and visiting with Cobb County residents. They are members of historic Zion Baptist Church in Marietta, where they are active in several ministries. Flynn’s eldest daughter Victoria is a graduate of Armstrong State University and resides in Savannah.
Flynn’s service to Cobb County began in 2008, when he became a Cobb County Assistant Solicitor General. There he gained invaluable experience as a prosecutor in the complex environment of the courtroom, displaying the judicial skills necessary to succeed as your District Attorney.
In 2014, Flynn took the position of the Veterans Treatment and Accountability Court Coordinator for Cobb County. In that role, Flynn helped our Veterans in overcoming issues of substance abuse, PTSD, and behavioral issues to help them reintegrate back into society as productive citizens.
In 2017 Flynn became Prosecuting Attorney for the Cobb County DUI Accountability Court, which offers a treatment alternative to DUI offenders who are willing to be accountable for their actions and seek treatment to control substance abuse issues. These programs save taxpayer’s money and produce better outcomes for offenders, reducing recidivism rates and making all our communities safer. Accountability Courts and the unique needs of Veterans remain Flynn’s special focus.
After an intense campaign during the 2020 cycle, Flynn Broady became the District Attorney of the Cobb Judicial Circuit on Jan. 1, 2021 with a vow to hold violent criminals accountable while championing restorative justice initiatives. These initiatives have helped nonviolent offenders return to or obtain productive lives. DA Broady believes that through wider community engagement, including expanded access to accountability courts and more visible victim advocacy, we can continue to make restorative justice a priority in Cobb County.
Since taking office in January 2021, DA Broady and the team at the DA's office has been diligently working to make restorative justice a reality in Cobb County while holding violent criminals accountable.
The district attorney plays a critical role in implementing restorative justice practices to address crime and conflict in our jurisdiction. Restorative justice goes beyond punishment, emphasizing dialogue, understanding, and healing among all stakeholders. This results-oriented paradigm emphasizes community involvement, open communication and empathy as alternatives to traditional prosecution while still ensuring violent offenders are not allowed to harm our communities. Diversion programs, expungement opportunities, and restorative justice conferences are all part of tailoring the approach to the diverse nature of each case. DA Broady's commitment to restorative justice aligns our values and aims to repair harm, address underlying causes, and promote justice and healing within Cobb County. Collaboration with victim advocates, community organizations, and justice system stakeholders contributes to creating a safer, more inclusive community for us all.​
A few of DA Broady's accomplishments include:
Successfully prosecuted the Arbery case as a specially-appointed prosecutor
Opened first-in-the-state Family Advocacy Center and Second Chance Desk; putting our values into practice
Saved taxpayer money with efficient and effective leadership
Named 2021 District Attorney of the Year by the Georgia Association of Black County Officials
Eliminated the case backlog in Cobb County through proactive collaboration with officials throughout our criminal justice system
Expanded community engagement programs to stop crime before it happens
Named in the National Black Lawyers Top 100
Learn About Flynn's Accomplishments
Learn About Flynn's Priorities
Cobb County is a vibrant community, with great social, cultural, and economic diversity. Each section of the community has its own strengths and its own judicial challenges. The ultimate responsibility for felony prosecution decisions in the county lies with the Cobb County District Attorney. As part of that responsibility, Flynn Broady has other priorities to improve community safety in Cobb County:
Bring a sense of integrity and fairness to all phases of the criminal justice system.​
Promote equality in the criminal justice system, ensuring that all citizens in the system are treated according to the same policies and procedures.
Place ethics and evidence over party.
Preserve the rights of citizens, victims, and those accused of crimes.
Promote equity in the criminal justice system, creating a level playing field for all people in the community.
Save taxpayer money and help offenders return to society as productive citizens.
Strengthen and expand accountability courts & diversion programs.
Promote the implementation of counseling and educational awareness to reduce the threat of domestic violence in our community.
Promote the implementation of education and job training programs for juvenile offenders.
Initiate true bond reform.
Create and maintain a positive environment and reduce crime throughout the community.
Institute and carry out programs in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, schools, and families, to create positive relationships within all segments of the community.
Collaborate with community leaders to create opportunities for young people to engage in positive activities rather than fall under bad influences.
Develop programs in schools to persuade young people to stay in school and place them on a path to being productive members of the community.